List of Hearing Looped Venues in Tucson


List of Hearing Loops in Tucson, Arizona

For the past nine years, Tucson has been at the forefront of a national movement to install hearing loops in public spaces. In Arizona, the Adult Hearing Loss Association (ALOHA) has spearheaded the initiative,“Let’s Loop Tucson,” with volunteers who experience hearing loss working with local entities to bring this remarkable technology to a wider audience.

Hearing loops, or induction loops, are a simple but brilliant technology that transmits sound from PA systems through a wireless signal directly to hearing aids fitted with T-coils. This provides the listener clear, unadulterated sound, without the clutter of other noises in the environment. In Tucson and surrounding areas, hearing loops have been installed in houses of worship, commercial spaces, movie theaters, as well as playhouses.

During his first experience utilizing a hearing loop, Charles Spencer, a volunteer with ALOHA, says, “I just kept having to pinch myself. I’m really hearing.” For individuals who utilize a hearing aid to treat hearing loss, connecting to a hearing loop system is as easy as switching the hearing aid program to T-coil. Most hearing aids boast this technology, but if you are unsure whether your hearing aid is compatible, please come visit us at Lifestyle Hearing Solutions.

Since 2006, ALOHA and other agencies have outfitted countless venues in Tucson and surrounding areas with hearing loops. For an extensive list, please click here:

Below you will find our top picks for arts and culture venues that have a hearing loop system installed.

1. Desert View Performing Arts Center

38735 S. Mountain View Blvd

The Desert View Performing Arts Center offers a wide range of programming, from yoga to symphony performances. On August 29, celebrate Elvis’s 80th birthday and listen to his music come to life with a performance by Robert Shaw and the Lonely Street Band. Upcoming is the Southern Arizona Symphony Orchestra’s 2015-2016 season, with Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 opening on October 10. For tickets and a full calendar, visit

2. Berger Performing Arts Center

1200 West Speedway Blvd

Located on the campus of the Arizona State Schools Center for the Deaf and Blind, the Berger Performing Arts Center is an auditorium that seats close to 500 attendees. This multi-use space offers performances, Yom Kippur services, and concerts, and it is also available for rent for cultural events. The Center’s performance schedule picks up in the autumn, and you can find their information here:

3. Cinemark Movie Theaters (various locations in Tucson)

Showing mostly popular Hollywood movies, Cinemark offers an exciting movie-going experience with their looped theaters. From the latest installments of favorite action flicks Mission: Impossible and Terminator, as well as the family-friendly Minions – be sure not to miss the last of summer’s hottest hits on the big screen with great sound. For more information, visit

4. The Loft Cinema

3233 East Speedway Blvd

If you prefer a more cerebral movie-going experience, visit the independent, non-profit film venue, The Loft, which also has a hearing loop. This month, The Loft offers a series of films by the illustrious Indian filmmaker Satyajit Ray, every Thursday at 7:30pm. For science fiction lovers, The Loft presents the first-ever sci-fi slumber party on Friday, August 28, which offers 12 hours of epic science fiction film, with cult classics such as Paul Verhoeven’s 1997 satire Starship Troopers to John Carpenter’s 1981 B-movie dystopic Escape from New York. Check out their full slate of programming at

5. Great American Playhouse

13006 N. Oracle Road

The Great American Playhouse offers programming for theatre lovers of all ages. From campy to comedic to melodramatic, the 2015 season features the Edwards Twins, celebrity impersonators who put on an uncanny show of “2 Brothers – 100 Celebrities” between September 26-30, and a Clue-inspired murder mystery musical Whodunit? Or They Haven’t A Clue, which runs from August 27 to November 14. For more information, visit

Lifestyle Hearing Solutions of Tucson
6425 E. Broadway
Tucson, AZ 85710
(520) 323-0099

Lifestyle Hearing Solutions of Oro Valley
200 W Magee Suite 100
Oro Valley, AZ, 85704
(520) 639-8760