Sensitivity to Sound As We Age

Sensitivity to Sound as We Age

Growing old is a normal and special part of life, to be cherished and celebrated. It is important to be ready to adapt to inevitable changes that develop as we age, so we can do so gracefully. Often we move more slowly, need more time to recharge and our hearing ability will change. You are not just imagining that some …

Communication At Work | May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!

Communication At Work: May is Better Hearing and Speech Month

Hearing loss is a serious condition and often overlooked. Commonly referred to as an invisible disability Over 5% of the world’s population – or 466 million people deal with disabling hearing loss. Hearing loss isn’t just an issue with your ears but affects many aspects of your life.  The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) celebrates Better Hearing and Speech Month each …

When to Get New Hearing Aids

When to Get New Hearing Aids

As we maintain our hearing health and address our specific needs, our hearing aids are at the top of the list of maintenance! We have invested time and finances in order to enrich and sustain our hearing experiences, so it goes without saying that we are well-positioned to keep our hearing aids in prime condition. We also need to be …

Athletes and Hearing Loss

Athletes and Hearing Loss

If you love sports whether it’s a hobby or a profession, you know how important it is to be able to hear the world around you. The easier you can locate the source of a sound, whether it be a speeding ball, a teammate or an opponent approaching, the faster you can react to play your best game possible. However, …

All About Hearing Protection

All About Hearing Protection

Today we are exposed to more noise at home, on the streets and at work than ever before. While cities and suburbs grow louder, we must make a conscious effort to protect our ears if we want to maintain healthy hearing for years to come. If you haven’t thought about protecting your ears, it is still not too late. The …

The Benefits of Being Social for Older Americans

The Benefits of Being Social For Older Americans

We humans are social beings. We rely on shared experience to flourish and thrive. The richness of our social life and interactions can contribute to our mental and physical health.  This cannot be more true as we age, but sadly for many older Americans socialization becomes much more of a challenge.  Hearing Loss and Social Life As we age it …

How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships

How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships

Communication is essential to maintaining any relationship from casual acquaintances, the people you pass on your way to work or your most intimate partnerships. It is just so important to hear and be heard. When you can voice your needs and intentions and listen to others relationships can prosper and grow to new heights. When you are living with untreated …

A Healthy Diet Can Lower the Risk of Hearing Loss

A Healthy Diet Can Lower the Risk of Hearing Loss

Just about any health concern you can think of has a relation with healthy eating. Things like heart disease and diabetes have clear links to nutrition, but so do dimensions of mental health. Those who eat healthy diets report higher feelings of general well being, and recent medical research emphasizes the connection between body and mind. With these many benefits …

New Year’s Resolution: Get Your Hearing Tested

New Year's Resolution Get Your Hearing Tested

Happy New Year! At the start of 2020, many of us imagine a better life ahead, fueled by the optimism we feel at the start of “the 20’s.” When we imagine a better life, many things come to mind, including stronger connections with our loved ones, productivity in work, and creativity in leisure. However, none of these are possible without …

Hearing Aids and Artificial Intelligence

Hearing Aids & Artificial Intelligence

Hearing loss is a growing problem that affects thousands of people around the country and around the globe. We used to think it was something that just happened as we age, but hearing loss is not just affecting elders. It’s affecting people of all ages and it is happening for several different reasons. People are not protecting their ears like …