Hearing Aids are One of the “Secrets of Cognitive Super Agers”

Man exercising on bike with women

Who are the “cognitive super-agers,” and what has given these people their seeming superpower? This group of seniors, many of them approaching or crossing the line beyond 100 years of age, have the uncanny ability to remain sharp long into life. Some of them even show a brain age that is 30 years younger than their birth certificate shows. These …

A Link between Hearing Loss & Osteoporosis

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When two physical issues come up at once, researchers and medical professionals are tasked with determining if a third underlying factor is causing both at once. Identifying these connections between seemingly unconnected conditions can be quite difficult. Who could imagine that such disparate conditions as hearing loss and bone health could be linked to the same underlying health condition? Although …

The World Health Organization Estimates 2.5 Billion with Hearing Loss by 2050

flags of the world

The world population is on the rise, and international policy makers are concerned about the effects of this population growth on many dimensions of social life. Not only are resources potentially more scarce, but also the harmful effects of these populations will escalate at the global level. Public health officials are particularly concerned with the growth of health concerns that …

Watch Out for Dangerous Decibels in Exercise Classes

Man exercising on bike with women

Exercise classes are a great way to promote your general health. Cardiovascular fitness has even been linked to better hearing health, so you might be doing a favor for your ears by regularly attending a spinning or other cardio aerobics class. Despite this potential benefit, a hidden risk is present in the room with you in many of these fitness …

Connecting People | May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!

Connecting People | May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!

This May is a great time to think about reconnecting with people you love. As we witness the precautionary measures of the COVID-19 pandemic relaxing, we can think about new ways to engage with our friends and loved ones. Travel is easier than it has been in the past two years, and we can find ways to safely connect with …

Exposure to Loud Noise During a Work Shift Can Harm Your Hearing

Exposure to Loud Noise During a Work Shift Can Harm Your Hearing

When you are at work, your employer is responsible for ensuring your safety. While you contribute to the collective project of the business, you need to know that you are not sacrificing your health or wellbeing in the process. Of course, some jobs are very risky, demanding workers to perform tasks that might lead to injury or harm. These jobs …

Studies Show that Hearing Loss Can Worsen Tinnitus

studies show that hearing loss can worsen tinnitus

The two most common maladies of the ears and auditory pathway are hearing loss and tinnitus. These conditions affect a vast population, and yet no cure has been discovered to solve these problems within the body. The good news is that treatment is rapidly advancing to take care of these issues and to improve communication and quality of life. Hearing …

How Prevalent is Hearing Loss in the US?

how prevalent is hearing loss in the us?

Although it seems like a simple question, there are many ways to understand the prevalence of hearing loss in the US. In very simple terms, approximately 15% of American adults, amounting to 37.5 million people aged 18 and over, report some trouble hearing. If we consider congenital hearing impairment as well, we can add to that number the 0.2 percent …

How Long Do Hearing Aids Last?

How Long Do Hearing Aids Last

Hearing aid technology has advanced a lot in recent years. Your image of hearing aids might be based on old models that used analog technology to add volume to the entire spectrum of sound. Whereas these old models were a remarkable invention in their day, new models do not simply raise the entire sound spectrum for the listener. Digital signal …

What Happens if You Don’t Treat Hearing Loss?

What Happens if You Don't Treat Hearing Loss?

Far too many people who need treatment for hearing loss fail to get the assistance they need. On average, a person waits for seven years after the onset of hearing loss to get treatment. What are the costs of that delay? Not only does hearing loss prevent you from enjoying the sonic pleasures of the natural world, but it can …